June 19, 2010

Teachers record deep appreciation for PAT's workshop


The 6-day Capacity-building workshop for 20 teachers of the F.G Junior Public School concluded on 19th June 2010.


All 20 teachers found the experience unprecedented, challenging and educative. Even though only 6 teachers so far were able to complete the
exercises, the other 14 have pledged to continue working at their assignments. Soonest possible after the School re-opens mid-August 2010, an extra day will be allocated to enable evaluation of their progress.


The tough standards are an example of the innovative, merit-based approach applied to this process by PAT and Lexicon, the consultants who conducted the workshop for us. This was not just a formal, going-through-the-motions-process but a truly demanding and at the same time enjoyable experience for the teachers. Each of them has provided an individual comment which we plan to share with you through the website shortly.


Some of them had not been able to even complete their prior education themselves. You can imagine how vital it is for PAT to invest in teacher capacity-building.


Special felicitations to Mrs Sabiha Pervaiz for organizing all the details and being there most of the time. She was ably assisted by our accountant Rizwan Ayub. Publican Waseem Ghani came for most of one day. The under-signed managed to be there at the launch, and on 2 occasions briefly thereafter.


Vice Chairman, PAT, Zaffar Ahmed Khan represented alumni at the conclusion. He stressed the vital role that a teacher plays in shaping a student's learning curve and appreciated the interest taken by the teachers and by all concerned in making the workshop purposeful. He distributed certificates of participation to the teachers. As previously conveyed, he has also donated an amount of Rs.50,000/- to meet part of the cost of this workshop.


Lexicon was well represented by Mr and Mrs Salim Aziz, Dr Bheel and Rachna.Mr Azhar Jameel, brother of Trustee Hussain Jameel and Mrs Humaira Aziz, also helped on one day as did the dear daughter of the Azizs' on more than one day.


Meanwhile, outside, the Junior School building remained virtually circled by overflowing sewage. Its fragrance, and the heat were a provocative contrast to the workshop's content.


But always look at the bright side. About 800 students will, InshaAllah, benefit from the capacity building of their teachers.


Do continue, in fact increase your support to PAT !


Thank you for your attention.

With best wishes,


Javed Jabbar
