Hasan Iftikhar

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Summary Profile

Class X-B was the final class, started in Class III with Ms. Parveen as the class teacher. Mr. Das, Ms. Well, Ms. Shakira Abbasi, Ms. Naheed, Mrs. Alvi and so many more come flooding back to the memory. I was in Baber House and was in the school hockey team, also in the boy scouts. Also served as the editor of the magazine "Sareer". I have done Bachelors of Engineering and a doctorate in CS. Presently trying to figure out the sad situation in our country.


Misc. Information

We had amazing teachers and role models at the School who inspired is to reach forward. I still cannot forget the mayhem in the canteen, the contractor, Mohammad's son Saleem was in our class. I see a lot of names whom I recognize from my graduating class. Its a great job done with this site. What a treat this has been!!!