Email Address
Office Address
Advocate Supreme Court
Mansoor Ahmad Khan and Co.
F-2/3, Block 8
Kehkeshan, KDA Scheme V
Karachi, Pakistan
Telephone Contact
+92-21-585.2807 (Home)
+92-21-586.8801 (Office)
+92-300-823.8071 (Mobile)
Home Address
10/II, 2nd Creek Lane
Phase VII, DHA
Karachi, Pakistan
Summary Profile
Joined the Pakistan Army in 1969, Passed out in 1971, participated in the 71 war in then East Pakistan. Resigned from Army in 1974 and completed my law. Eventually in 1999 was elevated as a Judge of the High Court aof Sindh and then resigned in 2000. Joined as the Advocate General of Sindh in 2002 and remained as such till 2007. Appointed as Attorney General of Pakistan on December 22, 2009 (click here to see the news item). Now working in my own office Mansoor Ahmad Khan and Co. Advocates and Legal Consultants, principally at Karachi.
Misc. Information
Not Available