January 19, 2010

New date for 2009 Annual Reunion


1. At the meeting of the Board of Trustees and the Advisory Council of the Publican Alumni Trust held at the F.G. Minwalla Girls' Public School, Karachi on 16th January 2010, a comprehensive discussion took place to review the pros and cons of holding the annual re-union event on a new date in 2010 after the unavoidable postponement from 12th December 2009.


2. The prevailing security situation was noted. It was observed that while private functions like weddings and receptions are being held, public events are both being held and some being postponed. Conditions have improved in recent days though absolute predictions about continued stability are not possible anywhere, leave alone Karachi with its recent tragic record.


3. To prevent destructive forces from achieving a perverse satisfaction in forcing further postponements or cancellations, to enable Publicans to get together after the 3 colourful, memorable re-unions of the Golden Jubilee in 2008, to recall work done for education in 2009 and note plans to continue supporting education in 2010 the meeting decided to hold the Annual Re-union Event on Sunday, 14th February 2010 as a day-time event in the hope that the pleasant Karachi winter will still be around on that date.
God forbid, if any new threat emerges close to the above date, we may need to consider the situation afresh. However, let us proceed with our plans and InshaAllah, let peace prevail and may all Publicans be safe and secure.


4. Publicans are requested to commence arriving at the F.G. Minwalla Girls' Public School at 11.30 am on 14 February and stay up to the conclusion of the Event, including lunch, at about 2 pm.


5. The Programme Committee led by Khawaja Fariduddin and Shirley Hyder Valika is finalizing the details.


6. Admission will be only on the basis of invitation cards.


7. Cards already obtained will be valid. New cards can be obtained from the colleagues who have kindly volunteered their details below.


8. With over 3 weeks to mobilize our participation in this Event, let us do our best to optimize the presence of Publicans : and increase our support to excellence in education.


Thank you for your attention.Look forward to your presence.


With best wishes,


Javed Jabbar




Invitation cards can be obtained from :


Khawaja Fariduddin




Shirley Hyder Valika




Khalid Zaki

0322-8201949, 35302963-5



Atiqur Rahman




Shamim Riaz




Nudrat Alvi




Dr. Masroor Afridi




Rizwan Ayub

