August 5, 2009

Felicitations to Justice Sarmad Jalal Osmany on appointment as Chief Justice of Sindh High Court


Mr. Sarmad Jalal Osmany.

Chief Justice of the Sindh High Court,



Subject: Felicitations on your appointment as Chief Justice


Dear honourable Chief Justice Osmany ,




On behalf of all Publicans and on behalf of the Members of the Publican Alumni Trust (PAT) I convey to you our warm and sincere felicitations on your appointment as Chief Justice of the Sindh High Court.


Your individual accomplishments in the legal sector and your well-acknowledged services to the cause of justice as a Judge of the Sindh High Court and more recently as a Judge of the Supreme Court aptly reflect the qualities of integrity and capability that you possess.


In your new position of honour as the Head of the Sindh High Court we are confident that you will sustain and enhance the independence of the Judiciary and help ensure justice and equity for all , without fear or favour.


As Publicans we are proud to be associated with you as former students of the same great alma mater.


On an appropriate date in the near future we request you to afford an opportunity to the Trustees of PAT to call on you at your office.


Kindly note that the annual re-union of Publicans is set to take place on Saturday, 12th December 2009 which will be an excellent occasion to acknowledge your assumption of this responsibility and the great honour you have secured for all Publicans.


May Allah bless you with continued good health and well-being.


With best wishes,


Javed Jabbar




cc: all Publicans